
Update message from our Printer and embroiderer on Coronavirus

As one of the UK’s longest established garment decorators, we have spent time building strong foundations to become a resilient company. Developing diversification within our international supply chains and investing in secure operations has meant we are well equipped against the impact of the Coronavirus. Listed below are just some of the added precautions we have in place to help stop the virus from spreading. Wherever we can, we have increased hygiene standards throughout the business and are closely following government guidelines…

  • Antibacterial wipes in supply for regular cleaning of desks and workstations.
  • Increased daily cleaning procedures throughout the business
  • Hand sanitizer and tissues supplied to all staff.
  • Hygiene and handwashing training for all staff.
  • Staff has been requested to self-isolate if they have come into contact with the virus or are suspected to have the virus.

We have temporarily restricted visits to the company…

  • Supplier and client meetings are still taking place but have been replaced by conferences or video calls.
  • Any critical visitors to our premises are being asked to complete a questionnaire around recent travel and symptoms.

We have belts and braces already in place and are ready to be used!

  • Business Continuity Plan passed through the testing phase ensuring office staff can work remotely.
  • Business Continuity Plan for operations is in testing and will allow the business to continue to deliver orders within little delay.
  • Insurance policies in place to ensure maximum coverage for the business.
  • Diversification in our international supply chains has de-risked the impact of restrictions on shipping to our customers.

We continue to dedicate ourselves to do the right thing supporting our staff, customers and suppliers.

If you have any concerns about how the impact of the Coronavirus may affect how we do business with clients please do not hesitate to get in touch.

January prices locked in for rest of the year when you order today
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